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  • tylervaughn 4:02 pm on August 11, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , health care, jhopdc, leaders, Prayer, president   

    Take Me to Your Leaders 

    I wanted to take a second and encourage everyone, whether you are Democrat or Republican, for the Health Reform or against it, whether you are for “Big government” or “small government”. If you are a Christian, you should not be making the tension worse by speaking out against our government if you are not praying. Logic and common sense are not the weapons that God gave us. Prayer is our foremost weapon.

    There is a very cool, easy to use, and genius site that JHOPDC put together that will help you to remember to be praying for our leaders and gives you a very easy way of calling them out by name when you pray. I just would like to encourage and even dare you to add it as your homepage so that every time you boot up you will be reminded to be praying for them. Amuse me and just check it out. The last thing we need is more ranting and raving lunatics working out of the flesh. We need people with a timely word and fervent prayers. Check it out….

    First of All

    Picture 2

  • tylervaughn 8:06 pm on July 22, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , baby, , , Prayer, taxpayer financed abortions   

    Taxpayer Financed Abortions 

    If you haven’t been paying attention to this new “Health Care Reform” that is trying to be pushed through in our capitol right now, you should really let your ears perk up and pay attention. Your federal tax dollars could pretty soon be going straight into the hands of men and women who murder baby after baby. We must pray and take action so that it does not go through. Adoption is the answer to unplanned pregnancies and for parents who can’t care for a child, not bloodshed.

    Excerpt from CNN’s Albert Silverleib
    Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Michigan, warned that any comprehensive federal health care law would pre-empt individual state decisions regarding abortion services

    “By making abortion an essential benefit and requiring that provider networks’ enrollees have access to the items and services covered, this legislation would negate more than 200 individual laws in nearly every state that have stood the test of time and the scrutiny of the courts,” he claimed.

    To find out more and how to pray go to: Bound4Life Blog

  • tylervaughn 4:44 pm on July 14, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Prayer, Pro Choice, , Sotomayor   

    Stepping up the watch 

    I just wanted to take a quick moment and encourage everyone to step up their prayer right now for the Pro-Life movement. This is the first time in years that our nation has been, as a majority, Pro-Life. In the momentum and greatness of that, there is a quick stirring of warfare arising to smash the momentum we are gaining.

    With the possible election of Sotomayor and the new Health Care Plan that is being debated and talked about right now, there is a mighty war raging over the issue of LIFE. Part of taxpayers money under this new proposed bill will go to directly to places like Planned Parenthood, for their agenda and funding. Not only will that money go to help them lobby and push their ideals on the country but will in turn fund the deaths of more innocent babies.

    We must rejoice in the obvious turning of our nation’s heart from being Pro-Choice to Pro-Life, but we must not let up in our fervent prayers. For small blows to a giant just make him more mad, and it doesn’t always put him down for good. There are many tiny blows being laid to this giant but we must finish him off strongly. We can’t let things like the economy over shadow the sanctity of life, that only we who are still living can change.

    Father I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of our nation, God end abortion and bring revival to America.

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